Neighbors were blasting music at midnight outside my house. Went over there ready to raise hell. Instead I was not nearly aggressive enough. Let them run their mouths and didn’t speak up. There was about 8 of them, both women and men. All much older than me, and I could have taken any of them on. Most were also drunk. I bitched out. I want to re do it and be much more aggressive. Don’t feel like animal I becum. Any of you ever bitch out in a possible street fight or conformation? How do you regain your confidence? Lick the men’s room floor before your next gym session??

  • Lou’sSavedRhinoM
    129 months ago

    Not bitching out at all imo. Fighting multiple people isnt bravery its just stupidity and that’s probably exactly what it would have escalated to with those drunk hicks. No sense getting hurt or worse for a stupid argument. Thats just low IQ impulse shit, you did the right thing.

  • Bloody_White_Baron
    109 months ago

    Wait for them to do it again then run out with a samurai sword, see if they run their mouths then, huehuehue

    • @k_m_9_4
      89 months ago

      This. You had to balls to go over there and you handled it like an adult.

  • @Lebensraum
    99 months ago

    That’s PM mentality. If you can avoid physical violence, then that is the right approach. Only niggers and Muslims get all worked up and start smashing everything when they don’t get their ways. And look what it brought them. Low IQ filth. Just look at Israel. Stupid Muslim monkeys think the best move is to raid a civilian music festivals and army bases and murder everyone. If they played their cards right they could have gotten some land back.

    • @Lake_Cresva
      69 months ago

      Dont forget that they shared clips of themselves preparing to rape dead female bodies and taking alive ones hostage as sex slaves.

      They gave israel and the msm tons of ammo unfort

      • Bloody_White_Baron
        39 months ago

        For all we know those were payed actors or mercenaries to give Israel the justification to do a full scale takeover of Palestine and crackdown on criticism of them online with new radical hate speech laws?

  • @Jason
    79 months ago

    How about you call the police instead of feeling ashamed you didnt act like a nigger?

  • @EdmundFitzgerald
    79 months ago

    Lmaooo whats the best case scenario in that situation? You assault one of them and then just walk back to yourself and go to bed? You did good Op. You just politely asked to have the music turned down. You’re not a bitch at all. It would show more insecurity if you came at them at 100 without any warning. Worst case they dont listen, just call the cops.

    edit: didnt realize this was a popular thread and 25 other comments pretty much saying the same thing. if you feel like a bitch tho, take up grappling

    • @Adderall_AssumptionsOP
      69 months ago

      Thanks for the kind words fan. I’ve been lifting for a decade, but never tried any type of fight style training. No boxing gyms in my area, but my gym has a couple heavy bags in the back room. Might practice a couple basic combos before my next workout. Huehue, we’re boxers now!

  • @niggerfaggot
    59 months ago

    Did you tell them they were interrupting your eating, sleeping and growing? Before you started crying

  • FuckDog66
    49 months ago

    Just walk up and shoot them all, then when the cops come shoot them too. Don’t be a bitch bro.

  • @Arthas
    5 months ago

    One thing to take into consideration is how your complaints can get ignored for months and years

    But they’ll be immediately used against you to establish a motif if you ever escalate things

    So either you keep everything off the books or leverage your taxes by lawfully tackling the problem

    Assess your situation thoroughly