block and ban more bfd you future suicide statistic

ps angrymailfaggot is a chomo

    • Bloody_White_Baron
      31 year ago

      White people are the defenders of Christian values, we are the last bulwark against evil. Christianity wouldn’t have survived in any form without us.

        • Bloody_White_Baron
          21 year ago

          You think Jesus had white skin you delusional tiny weiner man?

          I know the exact verse you will post about the hair like wool but this had different meaning when the Romans were categorizing everything and everyone, really it just means curly hair which even pure White Irish have. Northern Africans while they weren’t Germanic looked a lot different than they do today and were a lot fairer in all ways. Carthaginians for example had a lot of gingers in their ranks and Hannibal Barca wouldn’t of looked out of place in the Greek parliament today.

          For all we know he would have used Hulk Hogan but the Jews supressed the Hulkster from running.

            • Bloody_White_Baron
              21 year ago

              I say again Impisster the whole world was Whiter than it is today, the Northern Africans including northern Egypt and Israel would have looked like Greeks or lighter. Including the Jews who mixed with Egyptian society. History’s meanings and definitions are mostly lost to us but we can gather the basic meaning of them. Yes I favour the White race, my own race above other races, not just because I was born into it but because it is the most moral race as well as doing the most to spread Christianity.

              I ask you this, why care so much about a fellow Christian’s world view if he believes in Christ and God the Father? I like you but this conversation is pointless. I already pray in the mornings and evenings, as well as other hours of the day so why the attaq?

              In the words of Paul the Apostle “WHOOOOO CARRREEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!”

            • @MrItGotNuts
              11 year ago

              Loool dude Jesus wasn’t an Arab. Not that it matters anyway because the message is important not the color of the messenger

                • @MrItGotNuts
                  31 year ago

                  And btw a majority of Asian languages like Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese etc are read from right to left. So maybe Jesus was a Chinaman according to your logic?

                  • @MyWholeLegsIsHugeM
                    1 year ago

                    Korean is not read from right to left but you are right these are all not semitic languages, actually no relation to these. Only hebrew and arabic belong to the same language family out of all mentioned.

                • @MrItGotNuts
                  21 year ago

                  Why should it have anything to do with Europe? I never made the claim that it did. Hebrew and Arabian are semitic languages

      • @MyWholeLegsIsHugeM
        1 year ago

        The whole concept of “races” based on skin color is just wrong bro, it doesnt even make sense. There is no such thing as a white race or a black race or whatever, it’s just a man made concept, in reality the lines are blurry and same skin color doesnt even necessarily indicate kinship. For example Africa is the most genetically diverse continent yet you group all of these people into a lump by saying they are part of the black race. It’s a stupid outdated concept. Thinking like this also divides people by putting them into groups based off looks only, not even by grouping people together based on their actions or thoughts which would make more sense tbh.

        On top of that it’s also quite arbitrary, skin color is a continuum there are hundreds of different shades, where do you draw the line? Do you also believe there is a race of green eyed people? Or a race of curly haired people?

        Of course there are different ethnicities with different cultures but there are thousands of different ones all over the world and to lump them all together into 3 or 4 races is just idiotic. It all doesn’t make sense and thinking like that only limits you imo.