block and ban more bfd you future suicide statistic

ps angrymailfaggot is a chomo

  • @MyWholeLegsIsHugeM
    1 year ago

    The whole concept of “races” based on skin color is just wrong bro, it doesnt even make sense. There is no such thing as a white race or a black race or whatever, it’s just a man made concept, in reality the lines are blurry and same skin color doesnt even necessarily indicate kinship. For example Africa is the most genetically diverse continent yet you group all of these people into a lump by saying they are part of the black race. It’s a stupid outdated concept. Thinking like this also divides people by putting them into groups based off looks only, not even by grouping people together based on their actions or thoughts which would make more sense tbh.

    On top of that it’s also quite arbitrary, skin color is a continuum there are hundreds of different shades, where do you draw the line? Do you also believe there is a race of green eyed people? Or a race of curly haired people?

    Of course there are different ethnicities with different cultures but there are thousands of different ones all over the world and to lump them all together into 3 or 4 races is just idiotic. It all doesn’t make sense and thinking like that only limits you imo.