pissening music.

  • Lennys_Piss_Square
    32 years ago

    What is the point of this kind of training? Why not just add more weight to the bar for consistency instead of using bands that apply random amounts of resistance throughout the movement? Someone essplain.

    • @Order66genovaOP
      22 years ago

      it actually is a good system but not the way he does it. correct way is like 50% 1rm on the bar and 25% of bands. plus his accessories are dumb.

      • Lennys_Piss_Square
        2 years ago

        What I’m asking is how is adding resistance via bands better than just adding weight to the bar? Wouldn’t consistently having weight throughout the entire movement be better than varying resistance? Powerlifting is so gimmicky. You’re either strong or your not, kind of like Collura. I doubt doing bands and chains wouldve got him any further than what he did. Same goes for elite level lifters. This bullshit just looks like overly complex nonsense to sell programs, kind of like how bodybuilders overly complicate shit just to sell you some random program they made up.

        • @ThunderStick
          2 years ago

          “Less time under tension, less time to fail.” - Louie Simmons. I just use the bands and chains on speed days. It’s really light volume and low RPE. In my split I train chest 3 days a week, the third day is a dynamic day with bands and low RPE.

            • @ThunderStick
              2 years ago

              For sure. I have to do cardio for my mood as well. I never want to get to a point where I can’t at least slowly jog a few miles, would be a miserable quality of life. I also really like air/fan bikes and use them a lot as well. For the dynamic training, if someone is progressing with linear training, then by all means stick with it. When you stop making progress and plateau (especially as a novice or advanced) you have to come up with something new. Whether it’s shifting the split, adding deload weeks, dynamic training, maybe even the diet. To me it’s a technique to possibly help get more weight on the bar. If not, I move on to something new.

        • @Order66genovaOP
          2 years ago

          it comes from equipped lifting where the lift is harder at the top. You CAN do max effort/rep effort instead of the DE bands stuff, which is another valid conjugate template. i prefer it to high specificity program like 531/SBD/bulgarian although i agree that it is complicated and i dont think speed work makes u “faster” independent of just the muscle/strength gain