pissening music.

  • @ThunderStick
    2 years ago

    “Less time under tension, less time to fail.” - Louie Simmons. I just use the bands and chains on speed days. It’s really light volume and low RPE. In my split I train chest 3 days a week, the third day is a dynamic day with bands and low RPE.

      • @ThunderStick
        2 years ago

        For sure. I have to do cardio for my mood as well. I never want to get to a point where I can’t at least slowly jog a few miles, would be a miserable quality of life. I also really like air/fan bikes and use them a lot as well. For the dynamic training, if someone is progressing with linear training, then by all means stick with it. When you stop making progress and plateau (especially as a novice or advanced) you have to come up with something new. Whether it’s shifting the split, adding deload weeks, dynamic training, maybe even the diet. To me it’s a technique to possibly help get more weight on the bar. If not, I move on to something new.