Get what deserve unforantle

    • Lou’sSavedRhinoM
      62 years ago

      Apparently he posted it on reddit first and was trying to gain people on his side. Kinda like a “I told this woman multiple times to leave but now I handle it my way”. Not sure why he thought anyone would back him up on it. Oregon is fuckin freezing, could easily kill someone doing that.

  • FuckDog66
    62 years ago

    I don’t really understand how there’s homeless women. There’s always a lonely old man with money out there that just wants doodle played with.

      • Lou’sSavedRhinoM
        32 years ago

        He is probably right. Plenty of stable homeless men where shit just went south. Never seen a homeless woman that wasn’t oatmeal brained. Normal women have an endless line of men ready to help.

  • @Horriblywornmother
    42 years ago

    Depends on homeless person, if they are shitting and pissing in the doorway, doing drugs, or panhandling in the vicinity of the shop, cant blame the owner, but if they are “hobo” variety of homeless rather than a druggie crazy its unwarranted.

    The sickening outrage on redick is gross though

  • Lennys_Piss_Square
    42 years ago

    Her fault for being poor and homeless unfortunately. Should’ve slept in a homeless shelter and not the street.

    • Lou’sSavedRhinoM
      32 years ago

      He hasnt lost it yet but its fucked. Worse than an order 66. Its google listing got shut down, they shut their phones down, and their yelp stars went from 4 to like 1.7 in a couple hours.

        • Lou’sSavedRhinoM
          62 years ago

          Its a pretty gross thing to do. Deserve to lose a business for it? Probably not. But damn he should know better than posting it. People are frothing at the mouth to be mad about something and he gave them a great reason.