McThey and Blaha are so similar, pseuds who both think they are above Genova and the piss, yet all three are at roughly the same juncture and social status in life, Genova actually marginally ahead of both imo as he holds down a job.

The other two turds refuse to work at menial labour(forget manual labour, they wouldn’t survive working with men) as they see it as intellectually and socially beneath them.

Absolutely ego-sandbagged themselves.

  • @WombDestroyer
    2 years ago

    Genova has lived a retirement lifestyle his whole life, works two hours a week in a very confortable gated community, he lives completely carefree, he also has good bodybuilding genetics. I’d be genova over blaha or Ian any day

  • @Monkeysfist
    72 years ago

    Coach Blaha once stated he benched 500lbs with a reverse grip. Non negotiable baby!

  • @Order66genova
    62 years ago

    newest blaha video he says he can bench 405 @ 198 full power (his best is 286). ego off the charts.

  • @MyWholeLegsIsHugeM
    12 years ago

    Bloho and Ian are almost the same, except Bloho defines himself almost exclusively over his “strenght” while Ian does the same about his supposed intellect/academics. Both are in reality losers at their respective field but think they are among the top dogs. Menty delusions.