please respect the serious tag

Been thinking these past 3, 7, 5 days and ame to the conclusion that the only way to get Janoy back is that someone from the community will have to STEP UP and marry Jane.

Lemme esplain. We ASSSOOOOME Lord will return when granny dies but what about duncle? Duncle always wins. Always. There is no way Chef Crackhead will let CoinMan revert back to his old piss lord ways. No fucking way. Duncle manipulated 90 year old granny into getting Lord kicked out of condo and duncle Bacon Acted Lord off of YouTube. Duncle knows we want ments and his only leverage over the piss is to ensure the ments never return. So how do we get around that?

That’s where marriage comes in. We need a fanbuddy to STEP UP and court the goblin. Win her over. Wine and dine her. Give her the male organ. Lord know she probably hasn’t had a veiny juicy penis in decades (no homo). I don’t think Janoy ever talked about her dating life but I digressening. Marry the goblin and get Attornery Scott Miller to revise the Bacon Act and write duncle priveleges out of it.

When granny die the goblin will receive her share of the family sheckles. When that happens the fan buddy will smother the goblin in her sleep and the autopsy will say she died of death from too much drinkning unfortunatl. Fan buddy now has the sheckles to do what he want and in addition to that he is Janoy’s step father. Ments ensue. It good deal take deal.

I would gladly STEP UP but unfortunatl I’m on other side of country and had many car accidents so can’t make way to Florida.