A look inside Brayuds head before he got his manor and 35 year old single mother pusst along with her child (previous father still not known). Obviously this is old, so what think to add/update to bring it up to current?

  • @MikeManly
    71 year ago

    I will say. The fans who fliped out about the patreon thing were and are the dumbest people in the Genovaverse. The misfits making some extra money that they could use on group outtings or just to help justify taking days off work to film videos was a fine idea. The people who got triggered are the same guys who complain about the lack of videos, very low IQ.

      • @MikeManly
        31 year ago

        That was also the fork in the road that led to the eventual decline of the misfits

    • Lennys_Piss_SquareOP
      31 year ago

      I disagree. I’m going to make an impisster type post on this in the future to get/give a different perspective on why I was personally against it since most believe the “they just go against the idea of us making money now” talking point Bard gave.

    • @MrItGotNuts
      31 year ago

      Yea could have made the podcast into a full time job, we would still have podcasts. fresh new videos. new content everyone making money.

      unfortunately the reason we like the Misfits is because they are real. The pressure of profit would have made things unnatural.

    • @FecalFreak
      11 year ago

      What did we get with the Vegas trip? Months of hype and lackluster content, couple of memes but that’s it. That’s what you get when money is central and true motivation gone.

    • @BigGyay
      11 year ago

      we already pay bards pension unfortunately. funding his layabout lifestyle smoking nigger weed when bloated 60 year old