Cleaning up after myself is an entire internal dialogue, its exhausting, confusing and distracting

  • @WombDestroyer
    41 year ago

    In reality you’d look like the bogdanoff brothers with cheap implants, still can’t talk worth a shit, plus everyone that knows you makes fun of you behind your back for getting such a small penis procedure done. If you’re ugly you will always be ugly and it will always show.

    • @Pisstripp109
      1 year ago

      Lmfao you’re a clown and crabs in the bucket loser who cares what others think

      No one gives a shit what NPCs say behind your back. I’ve never gotten fillers or surgery but will prob when I’m 35-40 to combat lost tissue aging.

      And I could legit give af what any NPC says lmao. In fact I’ll prob brag about it to NPCs just to make them mad

      • @WombDestroyer
        11 year ago

        Well now that you’re mad I know my lesson has taken hold so I’ll just let you be buddy