This was Lenny’s last chance to change his physique for the better imo. Had Lenny adopted the philosophy Jay and Andrew were trying to teach him here he probably would look way better than he does now. Focusing more on range of motion vs weight and “tension reps”. Instead he did the parallel box squats once and then never did them again. Similar to how Jason was forced to do a proper workout with PJ then never tried to train hard again. Now Lenny is stuck living his remaining years with the ROM of a mummy. Feel cold.

  • @Lake_Cresva
    41 year ago

    What even got him that ROM to begin with? People say injuries but WHAT injuries? Be specific. Not like he got into a car assident like the lord. How badly can you possibly lift to become crippled like this?

    • Lennys_Piss_Square
      71 year ago

      It’s ego lifting. Notice when he has no weight on the bar he can squat to depth, but when he goes heavy he can’t? Notice how he still eats 6000 calories per day thinking he’s going to gain muscle when he looks worse and worse every year? He can’t let go of the past, when he was 30 years old lifting with Collura. He doesn’t realize he’s washed up and will never be that strong anymore, so he loads the bar with weight he used to lift, thinking it’s doing something like it did back 20+ years ago. This is a common thing that people do when they used to be big and strong and can’t face reality that a 50 year old version of themselves will never keep up with the 30 year old version of themselves. Washed up powerlifters are known for doing this unfortunately.

    • @thetomplatzofabs
      41 year ago

      I always believed it was just lazy heavy lifting and regular stiffness from lifting that way for so long.

    • Bloody_White_Baron
      11 year ago

      Lenny’s actually been hit by a couple of cars on his bike lol, other than that fucked himself up lifting too heavy in the good ol days.