8 days to celebrate his 40th birthday like a high schooler on Spring Break. This dudes whole life is a party, just like the PMs. Honest opinion, but does anyone know what this dude actually does for work? How the fuck can he take 8 day vacations like every month? I want to get in on what he’s doing so I can party all day unfortunately.

  • @Pisstripp109
    1 year ago

    You sound jelous you wage cuck lmao. This post shows how pathethic you are

    He looks good for 40 btw. Looks 30. Prob cause he doesn’t have to wage cuck as much

    • @MikeManly
      41 year ago

      In the old Adam Harper era videos he would talk about how he’d get up super early and work 12+ hour days. He works harder than the average person

    • Lennys_Piss_SquareOP
      1 year ago

      I am jealous. I said in my post I want to know what he’s doing so I can just kick it and not do shit yet somehow afford lavish vacations, even with the burden of 3 kids. He’s not quite JAHN BRAVO rich, but I don’t think he was a trust fund baby, so whatever he did to make his money, I want in huehuehue. I’m only mid 30s but still get carded for cigarettes (21+ in my state for some reason). Kinda weird actually. I got an easy work from home job, so I shouldn’t complain. Wage cuckening days long done fortunately, but we can always be lazier and do less.