8 days to celebrate his 40th birthday like a high schooler on Spring Break. This dudes whole life is a party, just like the PMs. Honest opinion, but does anyone know what this dude actually does for work? How the fuck can he take 8 day vacations like every month? I want to get in on what he’s doing so I can party all day unfortunately.

  • Lennys_Piss_SquareOP
    1 year ago

    I am jealous. I said in my post I want to know what he’s doing so I can just kick it and not do shit yet somehow afford lavish vacations, even with the burden of 3 kids. He’s not quite JAHN BRAVO rich, but I don’t think he was a trust fund baby, so whatever he did to make his money, I want in huehuehue. I’m only mid 30s but still get carded for cigarettes (21+ in my state for some reason). Kinda weird actually. I got an easy work from home job, so I shouldn’t complain. Wage cuckening days long done fortunately, but we can always be lazier and do less.