why is it filled with pm’s?

the French have no shame if they’re happy to represent themselves to the world as a country that’s half pm

  • @Tanhunter2000
    51 year ago

    Simple answer, because they’re better than the other players available for selection. Long answer, France’s entire colonial history and immigration policy.

    What are you hoping to hear? This board’s collective iq is plummeting. Call me a nigger lover, if it makes you feel better…real edgy.

    • @Irontoenail
      61 year ago

      England’s female team were lambasted in the British media for being too white and the press demanded they “diversify” look it up I’m pretty sure they won the female world cup or something

      • @MyWholeLegsIsHuge
        21 year ago

        Now this is just stupid as fuck, shouldnt even look at color of skin either way, just at skill of the players…

      • @Tanhunter2000
        11 year ago

        It’s a completely different argument (not that I necessarily agree with it). Difference between diversity of participation and selection.

        No one’s saying they left out a load of blacks unfairly. Wrong inference.

    • @Negropedia
      21 year ago

      Yeah and the French team has been like that for at least 25 years? I remember Le Pen Snr. calling the national team “a gang for negros” before the 1998 WC (that one really backfired on him because they ended up winning the whole thing, with Tour de France level Epo fueled blood values).

      Overall it has to be said that in Western Europe the kids of (usually rather poor) immigrants and those of the half-Moors in Southern Italy are the only ones left who play football on the streets and around the city all day long. Most decent middle class families want their children to focus more on school so that they can get a decent job in the end. Unlike the USA athletes don’t get a free happy meal college degree in continental Europe and the college fees are actuallly reasonable and nothing big, so there’s also less of an incentive to really push kids into sports.

    • @CrestAss
      11 year ago

      Yeah I don’t quite get it. France has a huge colonial history. Besides, all the national teams are multicultural now. We live in a globalized world.