Before the health complications Jay’s strength and motivation have been stagnated for probably damn near a decade. Lets be real here. He will never get any stronger than he was before his health problems (505 for a double). The only reason he has “motivation” to lift everyday now is because he lost so much strength and muscle that he can go in every workout and put more weight on the bar, giving him some sense of progress that he hasn’t had in years. What happens when he eventually gets back to lifting his old weight and stops progressing? He will no doubt get bored and fall back into the same rut of only lifting 2, maybe 3 times a week because what is the point if you’re not going to progress any further? You think when he hits this point he will get bored and go back to his lives? Drinking maybe? He has to do something to get those endorphins going, and lifting will not really be an option at that point. What think fanbuddies?

    • Lennys_Piss_SquareOP
      12 years ago

      He was already on a stack before he got all his injuries. Like I said, even with a stack, he’ll never get any stronger than he used to be. So what happens when he starts pushing his old weight again? At that point he’ll just have to keep going to the gym, doing the same exercises for the same weight, workout after workout. It Groundhog Day at that point. What happens then? He’s gonna be bored as fuck and go back to his 2 workouts per week and then do what with the rest of his time? He’s an attention whore with no job currently, so no chance he’s not gonna go back to doing lives.