8 days to celebrate his 40th birthday like a high schooler on Spring Break. This dudes whole life is a party, just like the PMs. Honest opinion, but does anyone know what this dude actually does for work? How the fuck can he take 8 day vacations like every month? I want to get in on what he’s doing so I can party all day unfortunately.

  • @burnt_steak
    31 year ago

    I think he bought his first property very young in life and it appreciated alot since then…so he sold it and made enough to retire in a cheap country…also inherited parents property

    lots of people are in the same position but prefer to have a family than to party with degenerates

    • Bloody_White_Baron
      21 year ago

      Adam didn’t make his money that easy. A lot of hard work and grinding with some pilfering of PPE’s along the way huehuehue.

    • @GracePersin
      11 year ago

      A little coke money never hurt Noone. Just a Lil pilfering of pj Braun supplement accounts . Just a Lil treat. Wweeeeeeeee