The modern trend of men being obsessed with their appearance has an immediate parallel with Calhoun’s rat experiment, which I certainly advice you investigate as every change in behaviour from the rats as a result of overpopulation and a lack of outside threats is reflected in modern humans as well, the experiment reached a point where the male rats would do nothing all day except groom themselves and eat as female rats became aggressive and they became passive, these male rats were dubbed “the beautiful ones” and they reflect modern men perfectly. If you are one of these “beautiful ones” I remind you that you are going with the flow like a jellyfish along with a very dangerous current that is this behavioural sink.

  • Bloody_White_Baron
    41 year ago

    If I start losing my hair, I hope one of you pisstroopers smother me with a pillow, want to go out like Achilles, golden locks flowing in the breeze then cut down in my prime and Sean Bean narrating my funeral.