This had to have been when she was accusing her boyfriend of stealing her money and identity. Hilarious that she’s the one who ended up getting in trouble.

  • Brad_picklesfan89
    1 year ago

    She should’ve stayed in Florida, she looked and sounded halfway good down there. But maybe she already started going back to her old ways because she’s attracted to the same guys. Even just hanging out with the misfits may have ignited her back to that path, cause she’s a weak woman.

    To anyone wondering where she lives it’s actually like the Boca Raton of Metro Detroit, it’s not some ghetto shithole it’s almost the furthest from that you can get in that area. Jay is also from a really nice suburb close to Birmingham, MI. I think Adam Harper is from a run-down part of Detroit. I’m from all over metro detroit but usually the lower income parts but also not the worst ghettos. Like a little north of 8 mile. I got the hell out of there though. Black Power and extreme leftism all over those parts nowadays

    • Lennys_Piss_Square
      11 year ago

      Isn’t it amazing how one shithole can ruin an entire city and vote to ruin the entire state? That always amazed me.