Sometime at the beginning of the Corona Hoax he went on a menty rant about the virus wiping out Nigeria. Said something along the lines of “Name one thing they have contributed to humanity”, then proceeded to get mad and talk about how they need a plague to wipe them all out and how the world would lose nothing if that happened. Does anyone have this clip or the live? It was at least a few minutes long. One of the menty Nigeria rants begins at the beginning. “I hope the virus hits Nigeria.” Fucking lmao. There’s a different live where he goes on a longer rant about it. Still looking for it.

  • Lennys_Piss_SquareOP
    21 year ago

    Fucking lmao yes that’s it. He goes on a longer rant in his live though. I’m still looking for the full video. Shit was hilarious.

    • Brad_picklesfan89
      21 year ago

      i Dm’ed you the 50 second clip from a instagram live where he talks about needing a plague in blue-lighting absolutely hammered. I don’t know if the full live is even online anymore…it’s probably over 3 years old at this point