Just opened his live. Seeing him sitting there, waiting for the bus like a loser.

He has literally nothing going for him. Nothing to look forward too, no aspirations, when his provider eventually expires the streets will be waiting.

Makes me sad

  • @pigfucker
    62 years ago

    He’s never really put any effort into anything in his life. Pretty sad really

    • @Horriblywornmother
      52 years ago

      I know you make your own luck, but he just seems to have missed the boat on everything, same with Collura.

      Missed the manufacturing/blue collar/union job boom in the US by being too young, missed the peak of social media influencer type stuff by being too old.

      • @CrestAss
        62 years ago

        Collura is almost as pathetic. Where Lenny followed his instinct, Collura parked himself into what can only be described as the most boring, safe, dead end life he could get. Living alone with cats and working some lame retail job as a middle aged man? That’s sad.

        • @ignatius
          12 years ago

          Yeah, Collura seems very aware of his position. Not going to help unfortunately. Seems like a good guy and I still think he has potential to do better if he puts his mind to it.

      • @TheRealBigLenny
        12 years ago

        They came up in what’s got to be the easiest time to build up wealth. Lenny’s generation could own multiple houses with labourer wages which would now be worth insane valuations.

    • @CrestAss
      12 years ago

      Which makes you wonder why people think he put any effort in football, or even had a chance.