Am I alone on this? I think watching sports is the ultimate cookie cutter litmus test. I just don’t get how people care so much. I would never willingly watch a 3 hour football game. Seems like a distraction and a waste of time.

Lenny even admitted it was cookie cutter and a vice of his

  • Lou’sSavedRhinoM
    32 years ago

    Couldn’t find the words to explain it but you nailed it in that second sentence. Grown men explaining to other grown men that they dont understand the commitment and athletic abilities of these young guys is so fuckin gay. Im convinced they want their wife to get fucked by these athletes. And this is coming from a sports fan.

    • Bloody_White_Baron
      22 years ago

      Some of them idolize these sportsball players so much they would gladly offer them a go on their wives.

      • Lou’sSavedRhinoM
        22 years ago

        You cant tell me these MMA “insiders” wouldn’t love to watch their wife get a gangbang from some UFC champions unfortunately