Youtube has weird rules about censoring mean comments. So we figured we would throw up a video here so we can get your real opinion. We can take it. We lasting!

  • @FloridianSlip
    12 years ago

    Just out of curiosity, why do this? I mean I get you guys like the old Misfits videos, and tons of people vlog their workouts with their bros. I just don’t get how the risk to reward ratio for doing this wouldn’t steer you away lol

    • @NJ_MisfitsOP
      12 years ago

      foxprick here. we wanted to start sharing the dumb stuff we say and do and thought the maniacs might appreciate it. the goal is not to be the next misfits but to encourage all freaks to share the menty stuff they do. plus these guys have been my “heroes” for a long time. a chance to maybe some day get to collab with them would be a dream. honestly its probably a stupid idea, but id rather be stoopid than a cookie cutter. and because someone said we shouldnt, so we had to do it.