I’ve had it up to here with this spineless hypocritical degenerate retard. Isn’t this man old enough to apply to the AARP? He just does mumbling lives every night condemning degeneracy giving “advice” to all the Lenny worshipers then when someone asks him if he’ll use a drug or engage in porn again he just goes. “Yeah, maybe, probably not too much, but I might, heheh”. How can a man so “tough” have absolutely no willpower. This man should be a sage of wisdom in his later years and instead acts like some douchey teenager giddy about drugs that raise his prolactin and make him a pervert. How many decades does it take for a man to pull himself together when he knows all the answers? No wonder our civilizations are doomed, these are our “forefathers”. What a joke.

  • Lennys_Piss_Square
    2 years ago

    Collura has like the 10th best raw bench of all time and transitioned into bodybuilding to win Mr. Florida, all with literally zero professional guidance. If being an elite level lifter and lifting more than 99.99999999999% of every person on the planet who has ever lifted weights isn’t an accomplishment then I don’t know what to tell you, you’re just objectively wrong. Lenny worked a dead end hospital job for 20+ years and immediately gave up looking for work as soon as he was fired. How the fuck is that even remotely close to an accomplishment, much less one compared to Collura? As I said before, Collura is a dolt who hasn’t accomplished anything in the career world, but honestly probably could have gone further in the lifting world if he wasn’t around degenerate Lenny who tried to turn him into a bodybuilder instead of working more on his powerlifting and introducing him to rec drugs and trannies. Lenny held back Collura and himself at every level then just gave up.