“Since like 1970-80 people been running their mouths on the internet ever since the internet was like 80 or mid 90s 2000s people been talking shit about people who have dyslexia or fucking hearing problems who are very intelligent and have slight little learning issues and you know societys fucked up because people are rich and hungry and and they fucking think they’re better cause people will make an average income and they’re struggling and they have [unintelligible] you know ever since then people been money hungry and rude and nasty and nobody wants to date you or be your friend cause you have those problems and you know what’s another thing that’s fucked up…the last thing im gonna say that’s fucked up is that fucking little girl remember the girl? frickin who was on myspace talkin shit about her brother who had his brother the brother his other brother had au…dyslexia and autism and he was gonna be a singer she made fun of him he was very intelligent made fun of him and the brother retalied and went to the high school and fucking beat her in the brain and now she was on the news and shes all fucked up now you know what she DESERVES it bro. SHE DESERVES TO BE BRAIN DAMAGED. now shes fucked up, she deserves it because bro she talked shit on the internet to a poor kid who was trying to do somethin he wanted to do with his life and thats how the int…thats how all these people are…they’re nasty”

Who can guess the month and the year of this classic quote?

  • @WombDestroyer
    32 years ago

    Not the month but I’m pretty sure it’s around 2009 10 because I think it’s a my storie one