just kidding, that isn’t possible

  • coincollecter
    42 years ago

    The only reason the hyperfeminized mainstream (i.e. big tech, corporations, media) supports Ukraine is because they’re perceived as the underdog, and the modern feminized borg pea brain has a pathology to overwhelmingly support who they perceive as having less. Jay is just flip flopping like he does on everything. His brain and memory isn’t capable of holding a consistent view/stance on any major topic or person. That’s why Cheese was horrible yesterday and a good guy today. But both sides of that war have ties with globalists, jews, multiculturalists and the anti-white agenda so if you live outside those countries and have no family over there and you think Putin or Ukraine is based when he/they has openly demonstrated otherwise, you’re probably just a retard who also thinks your vote still counts and democracy is real.