Never thought m’ogre would get a job again but apparently he will start working at a local convenience store/gas station soon.

According to Cuban Lenny mentioned this to him today on IG. He even wants to do a live on his first day on the job if possible.

If this is true I’m pretty happy for m’golem tbh.

What do you think about that BRAD

  • Fifthplacesixthplace
    121 year ago

    I worked at a gas station just out of high school and looking back, it was one of my more interesting jobs. I could write a book about all the weird people and things I saw while working there, especially on graveyard shift. That kind of job is perfect for Lenny. It’ll give him lots of material to embellish his stories with.

    “So I was standing behind the cash register - three thirty, RIPPED - and this porch monkey comes in and sticks a gun in my face and tells me to empty the till. I say to him “You gonna MAKE me give you all this money?” He gets all up in my face so I challenge him to an Oklahoma drill outside. He takes off running, threatening to come back with his HOMIES. I go back inside and this tan-ten-ten who saw the whole thing took me into the bathroom and shit in my mouth. How’s that for motivation, MANIACS??!”