About 5feet7 to 225 to 230 in offseason soon started my cutting Faces I should look good to bulky now …I need start weight out my food again eat Small meals to big now …when get 190 started looking good again!! Feel fat now .be 38 years old next year in February 22 ,aging like fine wine hitting that muscle maturity…

  • @Brad_Sherman
    11 year ago

    Ok so I need some help trying to understand what just happened to me IDK if it was a daydream or what but here’s what happened. So I was sitting on the couch and closed my eyes waiting on my first doordash and a black door appeared. I opened my eyes and closed them again and the door appeared again. I do this opening and closing my eyes a couple of more times until I think to myself let’s open the door. So I close my eyes again and try to open it but there’s no door handle, so I start breathing like I do when I want to meditate and suddenly a gold door handle appears so I open the door. When I look through the door it’s a giant me and the door is where you see in pictures of a person’s third eye and in the middle of this vast field the giant me is sitting in a huge white tree with a golden star on top is the only other thing there. I look up at the star and then it’s like it is a wormhole,with lights and sounds speeding through. It was amazing and I felt so warm, not like heat warmth but like when you haven’t seen your significant other all day and you get home and that first kiss warmth. This all happened in a span of 5 minutes but it felt like hours. If anyone could explain the meaning I would love to know?