prime ments from M’bully

  • @MyWholeLegsIsHugeM
    51 year ago

    Do you think life is all about achieving something?

    Don’t get me wrong I am not necessarily disagreeing with you, just want some discussion, not even sure what the point of my rebuttal is.

    But idk. At the end of the day we all die and are forgotten, sure, some have “achieved” more and some less, but people live life under different circumstances and have different capabilities and nobody does really have much control if any over our lifes… so maybe he is a “loser” in the eyes of society but what the hell does that even mean.

    It philosophyening.

    • Bloody_White_Baron
      41 year ago

      If man gives his life to a higher purpose, a cause, his name will echo throughout eternity. We 2500 years later still remember the noble sacrifice of the 300 Spartans and view it as the most heroic act of soldiering of all time.

      Men will rise and fall like the winter wheat but names and deeds will live on, this is what Homer says and it rings true, Achilles knows he will die if he goes to Troy but he knows he will be remembered for doing so, he is seeking immortality but not in a way we can describe it truly in terms of physical or spiritual immortality in 2500 more years they will speak of Jay as he truly was, a reactionary poet and new wave ment provider.