• Lou’sSavedRhinoM
    31 year ago

    New Universal Order is a perfect representation of “this generation is soft” and “back in my day men were men” boomer propaganda. Older versions of society criticizing edgy teens unfortunately.

    • @Negropedia
      31 year ago

      That kind of boomer mentality is such a joke. Their generation got everything handed to them on a silver spoon and is mainly responsible for the decline of western civilisation.

      Kinda funny how my generation still had respect for their grandparents who survived the war and built everything back up afterwards. But nowadays one can actually call out his gandparents for being soft and having it a lot easier. That’s not to say that young people haven’t become a bunch of fruitcakes, but they actually do have it harder than the freaking boomers.

      • Lou’sSavedRhinoM
        41 year ago

        Boomers just dont get it. Criticizing the abilities of generations after them. They got their house for cheap and were able to support a family on one income in a job market that wasn’t nearly as competitive. Prices skyrocketed and income didn’t. College went from affordable to a serious debt around the 80’s. Avoided those problems since I did a stint in the military tho so WHOOOOOO