block and ban more bfd you future suicide statistic

ps angrymailfaggot is a chomo

    • @MrItGotNuts
      22 years ago

      Does she have a monkey nose and black skin? No. She has caucasoidal features. A bust of an ancient African woman would look far far different.

      Unfortunately since sub saharan black Africans didn’t work with stone I can’t find an

      I mean really where are you getting this nonsense from? Hotep Jesus?

            • @MrItGotNuts
              22 years ago

              No. Im saying the Egpytians were neither Arab nor African. You the one making the claims that they were Arabs which is just not true. Egypt today is run by arabs and muslims but not then

                • @MrItGotNuts
                  22 years ago

                  What a fuckin lame copout. Pology accepted bro, but a real man admits when they were wrong instead of weaseling out because “different sources of information.” Which is what exactly what sources are you drawing from?

                  Unlike you I have actually provided evidence of what Im saying. Where exactly are you getting your info from? Cuz this is Minister Farakhan level nonsense.

                  I mean your theory that Jesus was born 1000 yrs ago instead of the actual accepted date, do you have any evidence for that or what?