Livia essplains her and Rods scam for real estate, which is now plummeting in value, so scam coming to an end. Rod, your days are numbered. Hope you enjoyed that B-tier minge while you had it. About to jump ship for next man who can STEP UP and pay all her bills unfortunately.

Side note: Apparently she has a law degree then went back to school to pay for another Masters degree. It goofy. Sickening 0% return on law degree, just a little $100k in debt with no return don’t be mad PeeJay.

  • @DeadLookingEvil
    2 years ago

    Lawfag here. I am constantly mindblown every year at not only the oversaturation of the industry but the amount of genuinely retarded social media addicted morons (especially basic bitches) that get into law purely for the chance to drop it in a conversation or because they’ve watched too much Suits. It’s also a joke how many extra sources of credit women are granted to get into law to make the industry “more progressive”.

    Like you said nepotism is the primary route for succes in law. The other is to work 10+ hours every day as a glorified paralegal (without overtime pay) because if you don’t someone else will. This can last for years before any real progression is achieved and that’s assuming you’re actually a good lawyer (spoiler: most arent).

    Most burn out after the first few months and change careers because law is essentially fact checking, searching for loopholes and having mundane mediations day after day. Not expensive suits, fine dining for lunch on a Tuesday and social superiority. The only people truly impressed are peoples who’s opinion shouldn’t count for shit anyway. That being said, I’m good at my job and it has landed me some sexy sassy goddesses.

    • Lou’sSavedRhinoM
      2 years ago

      You american? Edit: nvm you mentioned Suits so probably yeah.

      People need to put your post on the entrance of law schools. Too many people in law for the wrong reason, and wayyyy too high of expectations for their career. People want to go to law school just so they can complain about how hard law school is.

      • @DeadLookingEvil
        32 years ago

        Hey fan I’ve always been a big supporter of your minimal effort trolling. Seeing all the shit about Livia boasting her law degree triggered me because she is the exact dime a dozen bimbo that somehow slithers into law these days but never uses the degree cos you actually have to work like a dog.