Also did I forget I hate Lenny because he gets to sleep and get his meals in hehehe. Can’t have that on my watch

Jay masters hurt my fweelings with words so he no longer my friend

gotta eat out the creampie after coming home from my wage slave job to provide for my wifey

K peace out creampie Eaton time

  • @CrestAss
    82 years ago

    People who rag on Brad for having a stable life are the worst.

      • @CrestAss
        32 years ago

        Despite all of that, he’s living in a nice house with a girl that fucks. There are so many worse scenarios for Brad in his life, this one is pretty good.

      • @Pisstripp109OP
        2 years ago

        How did Lenny and jay knock him down? Last I checked it was brad just talkin shit bout jay and Lenny

        Brad was literally talking shit about lenny getting healthy adiquate sleep and eating good meals for muscles

        Brad is the toxic mf. Brad barely sleeps and think that makes him tough when all that does is age him rapidly and deteriorate his body/make him lose muscle lmao.

        Also Lenny is 100% right, brad has not put on any muscle despite beind on peds lmao. Because he works himself to death to be a beta provider simp. He is a mindless NPC drone who can’t stand to see someone doing better

        Health over wealth

        Brad is a fukin NPC and is jealous of Lenny not having to live his fucked up wage slave 9-5 life style.