I think Prince can pull it off

  • @CrestAss
    82 years ago

    Preach. Jay burned that bridge, and no one in their right mind would try to mend a relationship with this piece of shit you spent endless hours insulting you and your family online.

            • @MyWholeLegsIsHugeM
              42 years ago

              I agree, Brad acted reasonable and fine tbh and even invited the guys for bbq and training in the home gym ffs.

                • @MyWholeLegsIsHugeM
                  52 years ago

                  Taco even cooked and catered for them, like wtf. Can’t understand this shit, maybe deep down there were just jealous of Brad because he is the only one of them who can actually maintain a relationship with a real female and doesnt have any homoerotic shit going on in his life. Kinda weird of them.

                  • Lou’sSavedRhinoM
                    22 years ago

                    I’ll always make fun of Brad/Taco and be purposely facetious and ignorant because its menty. But deep down everyone knows Taco Queen is a perfect scenario girlfriend for Brad. She opened the home to anyone at anytime, never tried to isolate Brad. Jay and Lenny did all of the isolating on their own.

      • @CrestAss
        42 years ago

        Jay being reduced to a sniveling alcoholic because Brad won’t put up with his shit was punishment enough. Going to the cops is excessive.

          • @CrestAss
            22 years ago

            Getting the cops involved is justified, but Brad dealt with it on his own and Jay suffered the consequences. He did the right thing by not having someone else deal with it for him.

          • @ThunderStick
            22 years ago

            Is it criminal though? To talk shit on platform where everyone has fake ass characters they broadcast to a potential veiwers? Honest question. I guess Bard would have to prove harrasment. People couldn’t get Jay fired from his company because Jay said it was a character. Deffinitly has merit in a civil case, I am not sure anything is criminal tho.

          • @k_m_9_4
            12 years ago

            Wait, Jay and Cuban had pictures of Brad’s daughter???