We’ve been looking at the comments and posts. we will be uploading another video in the next few days, and we are going to try some new stuff. first off foxprick wont be using the camera anymore since he is a tweaker with ADHD. We will be going more places besides ginger pricks house and plan to have a lot more people.

Unfortunately at this time we cannot unalive ourselves due to prior engagements, however the option remains on the table lol.

honestly, we are just having fun and wanted to share that with people who might have fun making fun of us. lol keep up the trolling. Shits hilarious. We arent trying to force ments, but instead give you guys something else to make fun of. Some of us have been maniacs for years and we were getting tired of ripping on the same people.

Also the next episode will be dedicated to paulie pissnuts who has been our biggest supporter.

  • Lyssa Racine
    22 years ago

    Yes, exactly. I have a feeling there are a small group of degenerates at every commercial gym who could fill some of the void left by Bard, Andrew, Lenny and Jason. Just gotta engage and harass them hueheuheu. Foxprick needs to make more enemies.

    • @EdmundFitzgerald
      32 years ago

      The crazier the better. Aslong as you’re anchored in the ways of the piss. 100% Brad/Andrew types are expendable. itll be tough to find a 500lb plus bencher who talks about rape, A 6’3 ninja turtle who sucks women dick, and a 5’5 retarded jew jock who lifts