“Probably one of the most difficult sets I’ve ever done. After feeling as if I couldn’t even complete ten reps with the bar, I went up to 135 and grinded (not a word, yolo) out six reps. Not sure I’m going to do anything else tonight.” huehuehuehuehue we’re pansies now!!

  • @JasonGiovanni
    62 years ago

    No wonder he quit lifting, his training style is so low intensity and so boring. Focusing on form is great when you’re first learning, but staying so focused on form after lifting for years and years is retarded. He must’ve been on gear, because nobody would actually make real gains training the way he did naturally

      • @JasonGiovanni
        42 years ago

        Considering he’s admitted he’s half a fag its not surprising. I’m surprised Ian has even been laid in the first place. Wannabe-know-it-all arrogant ugly nerd wimp