Have Leo and Nate actually been seen in a room together? It pinwormening! Both in hiding, suspiciousening

    • Lyssa Racine
      52 years ago

      The comments are positive because he deletening the unflattering ones. I posted “order sissysis” on a mundane leo yootoo vid when he was at the height of his popularity and it waa deleted before i could blink.

      On a similar note I wonder how his “unpaid employee” at The Long Lived is doing these days.

            • @mentenbergOP
              32 years ago

              Feel bad misfits participated in his videos. He was showing his true colors sometimes. When normal people look at someone freestyling a podcast for 30 minutes, they see the man beneath, and you could tell there was something dark there, something hidden from view, something carefully withdrawn, something masked, something horrible, something milk craving, something entitled. We entitled, we know.

    • Playhardtolittleget
      2 years ago

      He has used paid comment services many times before, so that is probably what is going on here too. And he also deletes every negative comment. Even comments that are not really negative, but almost negative. He wants to seem like everybody loves him. His Youtube channel used to have more comments than channels with 3 times more followers and they were all telling him how much of a genius he is, and that they are so grateful for the channel and it saved their life. This is paid services, and I know because I used to work for one that provides stuff like that, so when you know what to look for it’s very easy to see whats going on. And no I am not a poor Indian guy living in the ghetto scamming people like most of these companies lol.

        • Playhardtolittleget
          2 years ago

          He bought a service we called the most safe one. That’s when you get a few new followers constantly every day, or every other day, so it will not look suspect. Same with the comments, he did it in a smart way, I’ll give him that. But this way is also the most expensive. So he put a lot of time and money into tricking people he had all these real followers and positive comments. Which makes it more pathetic in my opinion. Wasting money on shit like that. And same with RxMuscle like you said, he gets like 1000-2000 views on his videos and have around 300k followers, it’s all paid bots that don’t interact with the channel. I would be embarrassed. Put atleast he had 5000 girls on Tinder tho…remember when he bragged about that on a podcast with More Plates more Dates. Top tier delusion.

      • @mentenbergOP
        22 years ago

        Please ealborate fanbuddy, I am captivated by your revelations

        • Playhardtolittleget
          22 years ago

          What would you like to know, if you are speaking to me? The forum is a bit confusing to me, sometimes it’s hard to see who people are talking to.

          • @MyWholeLegsIsHugeM
            32 years ago

            Could you elaborate on these services? How much did you get paid and how do you spot comments from them?

            • Playhardtolittleget
              22 years ago

              I smoked alot of weed 10 minutes ago and it’s hard for me to type righ now, so I will answer you tomorrow, It would be impossible now unfortunately, I can hardly see what I’m typing haha.