Very freaky 25% bodyfat. Glad I paid $250 to get fat and do some shirtless pullups for you coath. Pause near the end of the video to see his physique. Literally the same as Genova lmao.

    • @LennysGHGut
      42 years ago

      This sounds fucking stupid, but just do pullups. when i started i could only basically do one. But its like anything the more you do it the better you get at it. One suggestion would be to a machine that helps lighten the weight of the pullup, or if thats not available use a band to make it easier you you. Obviously losing weight will make it easier as well if you arent very lean but im sure if you just do them more youll be able to do 10+ pretty easy!

    • @Cazarosta
      32 years ago

      Get a rubber band and do sissy pull ups. Or use the bar on the squat rack to do them at 45 degree angle.