They are just like Genovas. Insecure and not self-aware, yet also vain and delusional.

I’ve probably been blocked over 100 times. Sometimes they’ll unblock you after a while for no reason, or block you for no reason because everything is emotion to emotion, no consistent standard.

Females sometimes want to be shit-talked a little bit as long as you do it in a clever/subtle way. It’s not about being a straight up asshole, you kinda have to build them up a bit before you start to fuck with them.

You can also troll them with money in the same way you would troll a Genova.

Most of the Brad types which is give or take 80% of men out there won’t ever do this to females, so they sometimes like when they meet someone who will approach them differently.

I put almost no time into it but i just kinda come across shit that needs to be stirred while looking for JOM on an Instagram/tiktok/reddit type site. All victimless banter.