I’ve had it up to here with this spineless hypocritical degenerate retard. Isn’t this man old enough to apply to the AARP? He just does mumbling lives every night condemning degeneracy giving “advice” to all the Lenny worshipers then when someone asks him if he’ll use a drug or engage in porn again he just goes. “Yeah, maybe, probably not too much, but I might, heheh”. How can a man so “tough” have absolutely no willpower. This man should be a sage of wisdom in his later years and instead acts like some douchey teenager giddy about drugs that raise his prolactin and make him a pervert. How many decades does it take for a man to pull himself together when he knows all the answers? No wonder our civilizations are doomed, these are our “forefathers”. What a joke.

    • @CrestAss
      52 years ago

      Word. I can’t imagine Lenny having the hygienic standards needed to be a good employee in a kitchen after seeing his troll cave.

    • @zeewhyzeezee
      32 years ago

      According to Lenny he was the only one who would go in the walk in freezer. Turns out he just liked bulking on choc ices.