Downvotes have been turned off as an experiment. Comment below if you do/do not like this change.

  • Playhardtolittleget
    63 years ago

    When you create pictures it’s not very motivating if you get downvoted into oblivion for no reason. How can I know if people actually want me to make more? Its cookie cutter yes, but it helps alot to know what my fellow pisstroopers like.

      • Playhardtolittleget
        43 years ago

        I agree he has a good point. But likes is a great way for me to see if my work is appreciated. If I get 10 downvotes and 1 like on here and 200 likes on Instagram it confunsenig. Glad to hear it, got more stuff coming.

          • Playhardtolittleget
            3 years ago

            If people like me didn’t make stuff and edit pictures about the piss the community would never have grew into what it did. The most funny thing about all the forums we have been on have been the photoshopped pictures and the menty comments about them.