-Lenny out of breath watching porn on his phone

-Bard bringing in a liquor store’s worth of mini alcohol bottles talking shit to everyone

-30 year old Nate watching Monsters Inc. like the immature meth-fried faggot he is

-All while Prince records it perfectly

    • Lou’sSavedRhinoOPM
      2 years ago

      We did get a gym video. It wasn’t that great but we did get gym footage. Also was Chuck Basher even at the convention? I thought he wasn’t. Plus pre olympia podcast they said Jay and PJ were cool and there was nothing there. Overall I agree they were decent but even with donations I’d say it wasn’t a loss for maniacs.

    • @isaacwalmart
      12 years ago

      Chuck Basher never did make the pilgrimage to the piss-warm waters of Lake Cresva