I take back what I said about TrannyX unfortunately. I’ve been looking for the infamous diagnostic scan of Lord’s sickening scoliosis and none of the other archive channels have it while TrannyX does.

He just needs to chill out with that AI shit he uses to clean up the videos. It’s not good. Not good man.

  • @KindaWeird
    81 month ago

    The fact that TrannyX’s content obfuscates actual archive channels like DMLBJ and Gunting Goat is a crime against the Piss!

    Must be someone who knows SEO because they’re always the first hits on the web and they’re aggressively promoted. Maybe it is McCuck. Fuck TrannyX, down with TrannyX.

    • @thetomplatzofabs
      101 month ago

      Lol mccuck had a YouTube page for 12 years and had to buy subs and got no views. Not exactly an seo wizard.