It’s been years but i still can’t believe that this happened. No matter how many times I rewatch that video my eyes still can’t believe what they’re seeing.

I genuinely cant believe it’s humanly possible for 2 non handicapped guys to be this weak and out of shape.

Why the fuck were these clowns punching moving like they’re under water? They were punching slower than some boomer punching with dumbbels in the gym. They punched the way you punch in your dreams

Like seriously am I the only one who can’t comprehend this? Please explain this to me.

“505 incline for punching power” - Jay

  • @Fat_Fucking_Lenny
    41 year ago

    I remember coming home from a war session and entering the live just a minute before the fight, felt like witnessing pisstory parallell to seeing the second tower fall om the tv. Or see Chris chan being arrested live. Sickening, surreal and pathetic. I expected more yet it fitted perfectly aligned with the piss.