• @WombDestroyer
    91 year ago

    I gotta ride my bike like an idiot… to the gym… on the bus…to the gym gotta pay my cellphone bill It’s sick it’s piss it’s NATCHABOOY RICC FLAIRENING WOOO… it’s… HUE HUE SMEEELLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN, WOOOOO I just went in the middle of the road like a bimbo, it’s natcha boy ricc flairenin it’s MACHO MAAN RIC SAVAGING… MACHO MAAAAAN BITCH, haaaa… natcha boy ricc flair, HUE HUE SMELLLL WHAT THE ROCK, IS COOKIN… BABY ITS SICK, ITS NATCHA BOY RIC FLAIRENING, ITS MACHO MAN RIC SAVAGING… ITS WOOOO NATCHA BOY RICC FLAIR, MACHO MAN RIC SAVAGING It’s sick it’s piss… it’s… woooo… woooo… woooo HAAA flipping people off With the bird, fuck you people booom haaa flipping people off with the bird, it’s sick it’s piss, it’s revolting it’s insuulltiiinngng, woo it’s natcha boy ricc flairening… MACHO MAAAN RANDY SAVAGE OH YEAH SNAP INTO A SLIM, ITS SICK ITS PISS I MUST have eaten my crack smorn, crackhead… diet… wooo fuck youu boo booo you idiots, flipping people off with the bird… haaa… woooo woooo woooo macho maaannn heheh… huehuee… woooo recording the cars… I need a riiide everybody help me I need a riiiiidee

    • @MrItGotNuts
      41 year ago

      Holy shit… never seen a more repulsive creature. Absolutely terrible skin, gnarly teeth, big nose, and those dark sunken eyes…

      Not to mention he is emulating PM culture by flexing with money - only its fake money and he is broke. That makes him more of a subhuman than even the worst PM

    • @DolanDuck
      31 year ago

      Tfw you payed 50 dollars for a stack of fake 100 dollar bills