I fully understand why you have a problem with impisster. Guy is a total nutjob. Not only is he delusional but he is esstremely sensitive and blocked me after I called him out. Guys life is a complete mess but wants to tell others how it is. Dr Phil indeed.

Anyway apologies to our resident spammer pickles you were doing the right thing

  • @MyWholeLegsIsHugeM
    101 year ago

    I usually never block anyone except for these super retarded spammers, because I don’t want to have to scroll through their shitty pictures or insults on every page. If these pictures or insults were menty at least, all would be good.

    Impisster posts interesting things imo and provides ments, and how would you even know what his private life looks like? We are all anonymous here. Then again idk what you guys argued about