It Goyimmaxxing. Don’t acquire assets, pay interest on depreciating consumer goods. That will assuredly fix all problems in life and lead to positive future outcomes.
It Goyimmaxxing. Don’t acquire assets, pay interest on depreciating consumer goods. That will assuredly fix all problems in life and lead to positive future outcomes.
Look at this cookie cutter, making sure to have the latest car. I don’t have a car.
Have an older car that I bought for like 3k€ which is reliable, cheap on maintenance and gas, and gets me from point A to point B. No need to impress someone else by getting an expensive toy basically
Cookie cutters will blow their paycheck on maintenance and car parts and spend all their freetime working on a car that they only use to drive 15 minutes to their office job it goofy.
Literally have coworkers like that. Then they can’t seem to comprehend while I drive around with a smaller car like that.
They make their car their whole identity, had a friend who went bankrupt because of his car he couldn’t keep up the credit payments and interest rate lmao
Don’t need a big car to impress and fuck some whores, DAAAAALEEEEEE
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You driving some prime German steel? It autobahnening
Weeeee, yessir huehue. Autobahn is fun as hell at least the places where there is no construction and speed limit in place huehue
No having a car is not all bad you can still get around on a bike plus you get a free workout
Worked for Lenny. Also no temptation.
The only problem is carrying shopping back home
Even though I have a car I still walk to grocery store from time to time at least I am moving and walking and getting basically getting some workout for free. If I buy huge amounts I take the car but other then that I’ll walk. Store is not too far away from my house
it also helps with taking a dump helps clean out bowels. just like Lenny said cookie cutters are afraid of pain it is almost like training carrying home a big bag of food ,i think most people are in walking distance of the shops if not take the bus half way