VERY long read, but holy fucking hell. This dude is a complete sheet of piece. Literally sent 10 pages of texts with zero replies out of sheer anger. All over fucking oats and putting milk at the back of the fridge. Reading these legit pissed me the fuck off. Anger issues, smoking weed and drinking every night instead of working and abandoning child worse than a PM unfortunately. This is why you NEVER take social media seriously. All that happy “I turned my life around” shit was a giant facade. NEVER let this little bitch live this down.

  • Lennys_Piss_SquareOP
    2 years ago

    That’s not just a bit of anger and it has nothing to do with being directed towards a woman. If I said shit like that to my 70 year old father he’d beat me with a tire iron. Dude is completely off his rocker. He sent 10 fucking pages of texts with no response. I wouldn’t do that if someone car jacked me. That’s straight psycho shit, not just some “she made me a tad bit angry” shit.

    • @cumper
      22 years ago

      It’s crazy yeah. I read through more of the doc, it’s pretty bad. Dude can’t own up to any responsibility for his behavior, I’m very disappointed.