Not trying to be a hater troll, but the board can’t stay up for more than a week before it goes down for a whole day or more. Can we get some sort of update thread on what’s happening here? I’d like some transparency instead of the website telling me to eat crow when I try to log in on a Monday unfortunately.

    • Lennys_Piss_SquareOP
      21 year ago

      Thanks fanbuddy. The main concern is that the board is going down but no reason is given as to why. I remember you saying it was a memory issue once and the ethnic DDOSing the other time, but it seems like at least once a week it’s going down and I’m curious as to what is causing it to be down so frequently.

      • @delraymisfitsboardMA
        21 year ago

        I did not write the board software so I have no idea why it randomly breaks. Next time it does I’ll look into it in more detail, instead of just restarting the server.